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$ 10 testing fee per test

Castlegard Canines is an AKC evaluator and able to test for canine good citizen also known as the CGC. There are also the CGCA (advanced) CGCU (urban), S.T.A.R. puppy, virtual home manners, as well as trick dog titles.
The CGC is a 10-skill test that teaches good manners to dogs and owners. Examples of theses skills are sit, stay, dow, etc. The CGCA is the advanced version going into a bit more advanced skill sets. The CGCU takes your skills and has you apply them in a urban enviroment.
For those with puppies the S.T.A.R puppy is a perfect place to begin your training journey for a nice foundation.
Virtual home manner is a fun title for those to show how much practice they have put into their training in the home environment.
Looking for something fun to do you can always do some fun bonding by learning tricks with your dog and earning titles at the same time with the trick dog titles.

tan mastiff sits wearing a christmas bandana and service dog vest. he has ribbones in hes collar
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