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Meet The Team

red head female kneels with a tan mastiff and black dog

Mason Bills

Head Trainer

Hi, my name is Mason. I am the trainer for Castlegard Canines.I have been privately training dogs for over 10 years and working with service dogs for over 6 years. Before getting into dog training, I worked with horses for over 25 years. I currently work with a small service dog organization based out of Florida helping train future service dogs and truly love and enjoy every minute. When I am not working hands on with dogs and their handlers I am constantly learning and studying through continued education and mentor ship. I am currently mentoring and practicing under the head trainer of Co-Op K9 that privately trains and places services dogs around the US. I am working towards my IAABC CDBC certification. 


Demo Dog & Helper

Loki is my retired service dog who is always helping me learn new things and pushing me to be the best I can be. We have learned and grown so much together and continue to do so to this day. He is my main helper and accompanies me to the majority of my appointments. He has helped numerous dogs and continues to be such a stable and reliable dog that I and others can always rely on. He is also well known for stealing kisses if you let him.



Service Dog & Assistant Helper

Dante is my service dog. He is super smart and the goofiest guy I know. He will on occasions come to certain appointments and help out. He still loves to act like a puppy and is great for bringing along a high energy level compared to Loki. He is mostly seen on group outings and during service dog public access work. He excels in scent work and is always game to retrieve.

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