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Our service dog training starts with obedience work along with working on task the individual needs the dog to be able to perform to help them in every day circumstances. Once the team feels comfortable in pet friendly locations, they will move on to doing public access work in non-pet friendly locations and solidify working around the public and having good public manners.


Testing of public access will be assessed based on the public access test to see were the team is at and what areas of improvement need to be addresses and improved upon.

Service dogs are trained to help mitigate the disability of an individual. They are not emotional support dogs. These dogs have gone through thousands of hours of training and desensitization to be able to handle all types of environments while also being able to work and help their handlers. To have your dog train to be a service dog you must be disabled, you dog must be potty trained, be under control, and be actively learning or have learned a task(s).

Note: We will not train some tasks and some tasks are not guaranteed. No single trainer knows everything. We will refer anyone we do not feel confident helping to qualified trainer.

tan mastiff service dog looking up at hes handler
black service dog lays on the floor looking at hes handler
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